Work experience
PhD student in (cyclo)stratigraphy and sedimentology of the silurian
The project will focus on different Silurian sedimentary records and will involve substantial field and laboratory based work, including magnetic, XRF and carbon isotope measurements. These results will then be used for cyclostratigraphy to build high resolution time scales. The work will also involve modelling, with a focus on paleoclimate and on the development of anoxia during the Silurian.
Oct. 2018 -Apr.-2019
Wind data technician and data analyst at Ecofys Navigant WTTS
This job consisted primarily of managing the LiDAR fleet of Ecofys/Navigant and its clients. The LiDARs are used for wind resource assessment. The work consists of the placement and maintenance of the LiDARs in the field and reporting on the data generated by these LiDARs. I also managed the fieldworks for the meteorological masts at the Lelystad test site owned by Ecofys/Navigant and meteorological masts owned by clients of Ecofys/Navigant. GIS work related to the wind energy projects within Ecofys/Navigant was also supported by me.
June 2018. -sept 2018
Geoscientist/GIS Data-analyst at NUON
The position of geoscientist/GIS data analyst was a continuation of my internship at NUON (Jan.- June 2018). The current focus was on managing the geothermal models, developing a model for shallow geothermal sources and linking residential and utility energy use to the subsurface potential. I also provided overall GIS assistance for the project and gave geological assistance for the application for geothermal exploration licenses.
Feb. 2015 – June 2018
Master Earth, life and Climate with the M-profile Geo-Resources, at Utrecht University
I followed the Integrated Stratigraphy and Sedimentary systems track of the Master Earth, life and Climate and additionally I followed the M-profile Geo-Resources. The main focus of the master is (bio/cyclo/sequence) stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleoclimatology. The M-profile is a series of courses focussing on the knowledge, techniques, and problems of extraction of the earth’s resources and mainly focusses on hydrocarbon exploration and extraction. The master was concluded with the thesis; Towards a cyclostratigraphic framework of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk group in the Dutch offshore.
Sep. 2011 - Jan. 2015
Bachelor in Earth Sciences, at Utrecht University
The focus of the bachelor’s degrees was in descending order: (bio/cyclo/sequence) stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeontology, paleoclimatology, structural geology, mineralogy and geophysics. Most of the supporting courses are related to: mathematics, physics and chemistry. Bachelor was concluded with the Bachelor-thesis: Magnetostratigraphy and geochemical analysis of the early Miocene Bisciaro Formation in the Contessa Valley (Northern Italy.
Sep. 2005 - Aug. 2011
VWO-diploma Athenaeum, at Udens College
Secondary education that gives entry to the university. Focus on the natural sciences.
Experience abroad
Aug. 2014 – Dec. 2014
Exchange Studies, at University of Alberta Canada
As part of my bachelor in Earth Sciences at Utrecht University I studied at the University of Alberta. Main focus: Precambrian geology, planetary geology, early vertebrate evolution and dinosaur palaeontology.
2012 - 2018 Several geological excursions abroad
With the Student Organisation of Earth Sciences Utrecht (UAV) to Harz in Germany (2012) and Funen Island and the Jutland Peninsula in Denmark (2013) company visits at Stavanger Norway (2016).
Other Experience
Jan.-June 2018 Internship Data analyst/geothermal energy at NUON
The task for the internship was to couple the (heat) energy demand of Nuon customers and non-Nuon customers to the geothermal subsurface potential of the Netherlands. GIS software (QGIS) was used to model the subsurface potential and create models which can link the subsurface potential to clients and external selection criteria enabling a match between demand and supply. I also did multiple quick regional geological scans giving a regional geothermal geological overview.
Jan. - March 2017 Captain APPG Imperial barrel award team Utrecht University 2017
AAPG's Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual prospective basin evaluation competition for geoscience graduate students from universities around the world. In this global competition, university teams analyse a dataset (seismic data, well-logs, well-reports and literature) in an eight-week timespan. The results were presented at the AAPG IBA conference in Prague at 9-10 March 2017. The area of investigation was the Finnmark platform in the Barents Sea.
Dec. 2015-May 2016 EAGE FIELD Challenge team Utrecht University 2016
This challenge consisted of an essay writing part and a part, which required a proposal for a FIELD (Fully Integrated Evaluation and Development) development plan for a hydrocarbon asset (a prospect in the Vienna basin Austria). The results of the FIELD development plan were presented in Vienna at the annual EAGE conference and exhibition in May 2016. The result was a 4-6th overall place out of 50+ competing universities.
Aug. 2011 – present Several geological fieldworks
Introductory fieldwork course (four days in Belgium the Ardennes in 2011). 1st year fieldwork (six weeks) focussing on structural geology, stratigraphy and sedimentology (Aliaga, Spain, 2012). 2nd year geological fieldwork course (four weeks) focussing on stratigraphy, sedimentology, biogeology (Tremp, Spain, 2013). Thesis fieldwork (three weeks) focussing on chemostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy (Gubbio, Italy, 2014). Master’s geological fieldwork course (four weeks) focussing on cyclostratigraphy and biostratigraphy (Sorbas, Spain, 2015). Student assistant to Introductory fieldwork course (four days in Belgium the Ardennes in 2017). Fieldwork on invitation by Daan Beelen Colorado School of Mines (January 2019) focussing on Miocene Riffian corridor sediments.
Software skills
Adobe illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Analyseries (time-series analysis software), ArcGIS (GIS software), Qgis (GIS software), Eclipse Reservoir simulator, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), OpendTect (E&P software), Novva 1-D Modelling, Petrel (E&P software), R (software environment for statistical computing and graphics), Python 3.0 (programming language)
Drivers’ license (since 2011), Experienced in using Niton handheld XRF Analyzer, thermal Demagnetizers DC-SQUID magnetometer, KLY5 Kappabridge magnetic susceptibility meter, installation and maintenance of ZP300 and WLS7 LiDAR units. soldering electronics, proficient in the use of all standard hand tools
Dutch (native) (C2)
English (C2)
German (A2)
French (A1)
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